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The Trusted Online Learning Resource for Medical Students, Professionals, and Academics.

Watch the video to discover the key features and benefits of the AccessMedicine platform

Content From The Best Minds In Medicine

Unlimited access to trusted, interdisciplinary medical content on any device

Access the latest editions of hundreds of leading medical textbooks, examination and procedural videos, board review notes, and animations, including:

And there's more...

  • Extensive multimedia library with thousands  of  photos and  illustrations and hundreds of videos, animation and audio files to aid diagnosis and support core concept learning
  • Exam preparation aids such as self-assessment questions and answers from leading references such as Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review and the LANGE textbooks
  • Multiple quick reference tools which cover practice guidelines, diagnostic tests, and common conditions and disorders
  • A selection of cases from our most popular titles (including Case Files® series), helping students to think critically  and  master  clinical  application  with  the  power of real-world scenarios
  • Diagnostic tools which allow you to browse by symptom, disease, or organ system at the point of care

interactive demo

Explore Our Interactive Demo

Our interactive demo provides an exclusive opportunity to explore the AccessMedicine platform.

See for yourself why it is the online learning of choice for medical universities and hospitals worldwide.

Guiding you through some of the key features and functionality of AccessMedicine, the demo offers the option to tour the platform as a student or as an instructor.

Simply fill in the form below to get instant access to our interactive platform demo.


AccessMedicine is a guarantee of content. It’s controlled. It’s universally known. We can trust AccessMedicine. I would recommend AccessMedicine because it has afforded us the capacity to change our teaching strategy and embrace active learning. AccessMedicine has been a useful tool to support that.

Cosimo Durante
Associate professor
Sapienza, Università di Roma

harrisons book

Free Sample Content

AccessMedicine provides medical students with a variety of resources needed to excel in basic science studies and clerkships; helps residents and trainees, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with instant access to videos, self-assessment, and leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care.

Sample some of the most popular AccessMedicine resources for free below.


Sample Chapter: Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 20th edition is just one of the industry-standard materials freely available to all AccessMedicine users. Sample the chapter on systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma).


Audio: Harrison’s Podclass Episode 1

In this sample podclass, listen to physicians at the John Hopkins School of Medicine discuss their approach to a differential diagnosis as they are presented the case of a 65-year-old man with lower-back pain.


Video: Aortic Stenosis Pathophysiology and Compensation

Another example of the supplementary content available on AccessMedicine, this educational video is part of the high-yield pathophysiology animation series.


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