Problem-Based Learning

A Review of Case Selection & Learning Resources

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Problem-Based Learning (PBL) has become an integral component of medical education curricula in the last few decades. This approach to learning takes advantage of clinical cases in a pedagogical manner that promotes students’ responsibility towards their own learning and provokes their analytical thinking skills as well as maximizing the level of effective participation in groups.

At McGraw Hill we offer diverse resources in our platforms that strongly support educators, especially during the case creation stage, as well as help students to solve the case problem.

Reem Zakaria, PhD, MSc, CPHQ, is a Medical Education Consultant at McGraw Hill Professional and Assistant Professor of Public Health in Dubai and Egypt. Dr. Reem works across various medical education projects worldwide. She is passionate about educating healthcare students and professionals to provide them with high quality education in line with the recent advancement and transformations in medical education. Dr. Reem strongly believes in the power of resources in medical education and dedicates her work to supporting medical entities with the effective utilization of recourses in medical curricula as well as teaching and learning.